Taleem Institute

Hifdh School


It is through the mercy of Allah that we have progressed in our mission to provide Hifz classes. The unrivaled knowledge of our teachers has supported the ambition of many devout believers in memorising the noble Qur’an.

We provide a comprehensive and stimulating environment for the memorisation of the Holy Qur’an, Islamic studies, and Tajweed. Our selection of qualified staff has an unrivalled ability in supporting our learners. There is a unique opportunity to pursue an Ijazah allowing the learner to trace their chain of learning back to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

“It Will Be Said to The Companion Of The Qur’an After He Has Entered Paradise, ‘Recite, And Rise!’ For Every Verse He Recites He Will Rise One Level (In Paradise), Until He Recites the Last Verse With Him (I.E., In His Memory).” — Narrated by Ibn ‘Amr Abu Dawood.

Features of the Hifz course:

Admission Procedure:


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